Dar Chick Yahia: A sustainable B&B on the Tunisian island of Djerba
The sustainable houch-style bed and breakfast of a French police-chief on an island in Tunisia.
The sustainable houch-style bed and breakfast of a French police-chief on an island in Tunisia.
¿Qué tienen en común los aztecas, los cárteles de la droga y los fanáticos del Super Bowl? Aguacates mexicanos. La fiebre del “avocado-toast” y del guacamole en los países del Norte esta causando graves impactos ambientales, sociales y de salud. Lee a cerca del verdadero costo del aguacate mexicano, en este post.
What do the Aztecs, drug cartels and Super Bowl fans have in common? Mexican avocados. The avocado-toast and guacamole fever in the West is having detrimental environmental, health and social impacts. In this post, find out the true cost of the Mexican avocado.
¿Que es ser un “buen” ambientalista? En este post expongo mis inseguridades y las contradicciones que enfrento en mi trayecto a vivir de manera más sostenible.
Who sets the standards for what makes up a “good” environmentalist? In this piece I explore the insecurities and the double standards I encounter on my journey to live more sustainably.
This post explores the reasons that drove me to abandon meat; starting with the scare of my mother’s cancer and evolving into environmental and social activism.
En este post abordo las razones por las cuales decidí dejar de comer carne. Todo comenzó con el susto del cáncer de mi madre y se desenvolvió hacia una forma de activismo socio-ecológico.
Disappointed by every veggie burger I ever ate, I embarked on a quest to find the one and only epic veggie burger ever made. Find out where the queen of all veggie burgers lives!
A healthy version of classic comfort food; Mac & “Cheese” made with sweet potato sauce. Both vegan or vegetarian versions to this recipe are provided.